Traditions morals and inovation practice

Considered valuable and above all criticism, we can take into account that tradition it come from the original latin word 'tradere, surrender' meaning a practice or habit that from one generation to another is passed on, that can occur on large and small scale, commemorating important occasions.

An archaeological discovery known art identifies the Mapuche culture in their textile tradition existence. The oldest data on the art textiles traditions in the southern most areas of the American continent, the southern Chile and Argentina today, were found in some excavations such as those of Pitren Cemetery which is near the city of Temuca and the Alboyanco site, both part of Chile. 

This researchers have found evidence of fabrics made with complex techniques and designs, dated to between AD 1300-1350. They were developed to be used as well as a status symbol.While traditions may seem static, it change and innovate continually.  


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